Street Library Project
Liberia is faced with a lack of infrastructure and low secondary school attendance; Liberia’s literacy rate is estimated as one the highest in the world. The aim of the Street Library project is to help more children in Liberia, particularly those in rural areas, discover the culture of reading.
The Street Library works with communities to improve literacy rates in Liberia by facilitating access to information, books and technological devices while spreading the joy of reading across disadvantaged rural communities who would otherwise have little or no access to these resources.
The library is set outdoors, inviting children and the youth to meet under a tent, open covered areas, or other structures to read individually or to listen to a reading. A collection of books covering different topics and book recommendations for all age groups is available on display. A manned stand is established to promote the library and provide information concerning learning and reading courses, as well as schooling possibilities. Additionally, the Street Library proposes creative writing competitions and similar activities
Due to the community of people targeted by this program, a “street” library is considered to be the best approach. When set in a building, a library often seems intimidating for less educated people. A mobile library set outdoors, in a friendly and informal atmosphere, makes books more accessible and visible to the whole community, and facilitates interpersonal exchanges and
relationship building. This helps to swerve the barrier imposed by “genuine” libraries while keeping the same impact.

Through the use of our Street Library, the volunteers/interns move from community to community, set up tent
libraries and welcome children to help them improve their literacy.
Volunteer role:
- Run literacy clinics for children at the library
- Evaluate when a student has graduated to the next level of literacy according to the Street Library guidelines
- Administer initial evaluations on children wishing to participate in the library to determine their level of literacy according to the
- Street Library guidelines
- Organize story time reading circles for children while they are at the library
- Help children when they are reading independently.
- Assist with the set-up of the library (mounting tents, unpacking books, etc.)