I spent August 2012 in Liberia working within the Liberian House of Representatives and the Liberian Environmental Protection Agency. During my time in the House of Representatives, I worked alongside a Liberian Congresswoman. I was able to assist on some of her pending legislation, and I got a chance to experience and assist with government dealings on the national level. My work with the Liberian EPA was focused on creating a proposal for an upcoming outreach campaign intended to raise environmental awareness and encourage more eco-friendly behavior. My colleagues at the EPA were dedicated civil servants trying to make the environment a top issue in a country where there are so many competing priorities. It was a truly eye-opening experience, and invaluable for my understanding of Liberia's role in the world. I had an amazing time in Liberia and hope to make my way back there soon!

On my arrival for the first time in Liberia it didn't take very long to feel at home. This was largely in part to the warm welcome I received from Youth Crime Watch. They opened the doors of their homes and showed us around the city with an invaluable insider's perspective.
So many foreigners come to Liberia and get stuck in the NGO International agency bubble. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia through it Experience Liberia program made sure that we got to know locals and the particular urban culture of Monrovia.
I am a music producer and DJ, and YCWL's deep connections in the Liberian music industry allowed me to complete the first compilation of Hipco music available for international distribution. Without their help this would have not been possible.

1) Volunteer testimony - Pim de Ridder, 22 Years Old, Netherlands, BTCA Volunteer Trainer
Living in Liberia has given me jubilant memories that will never leave me.
I learned so much about myself while absorbing lots of information about Liberian culture, tribes, geography, economy and more. I felt safe in my environment surrounded by many wonderful volunteers and Locals. The students were such a pleasure. Seeing them acquiring knowledge and making jokes with them made my day many times!

Over the summer, I volunteered at Youth Crime Watch of Liberia. Reflecting on my one month internship in Liberia, I am deeply touched by the people I met, and the goals we achieved. Throughout the month, I worked on drafting of the annual report for YCWL for submission to UNPD, I participated in meetings with the director of UN Women, I visited sites in Sanoyea, Bong County, where our new training facility is under construction. In addition, I worked with young children at the street library with reading and pronunciation, and I bridged the connection and negotiated with the Chinese Embassy in Liberia, which eventually resulted in the donation of furniture to our organization. All of these are valuable experiences that I treasure.
If I had to share only one thing about Liberia, then it would be how the people here are deeply committed to create change and to envision a brighter future of Liberia. I am amazed by both the ideological, but yet practical approaches that Liberian are trying to accomplish with limited amount of resources.
In regard to my role as a volunteer, I enjoyed a lot of free time during off hours and weekends. YCWL staff took care of everything. We went to social outings, bars, beaches and toured the city on weekends.
By ending, I want to emphasize that if a volunteer chooses to come to YCWL, he or she needs to always keep in mind and be committed in battling against inequality, bridging poverty gaps, and contributing to the local educational resources and policies. I would strongly recommend this opportunity to anyone interested and willing to take challenges.

A Canadian studying in Norway I came to Liberia in order to conduct field research for my Masters thesis in Peace and Conflict Transformation, and at the same time, participate in an internship with Youth Crime Watch of Liberia (YCWL) through Experience Liberia. Even though I was very busy between these two tasks, I had a really positive experience.
The people at YCWL were very helpful to make sure my time in Liberia was productive, educational, exciting, safe, and really fun. I learned so much about the country's history, culture, and future challenges. It was a pleasure to work with such passionate, intelligent, and energetic young people. It was especially helpful that they were accommodating of my own research project and helped use their extensive connections in the community to help me conduct my field work in the short time that I was visiting their beautiful country. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia draws upon the energy and creativity of Liberian young people in an effort to make Liberian communities happier, safer, and more secure places to live. My internship with them opened my eyes to what an incredible and hopeful place Liberia truly is.