Women’s Empowerment
Women around the world face tremendous hardships, especially in developing countries due to many social and economic factors. Liberia is still largely male dominated, upholding gender norms which support the supremacy of men over and above women, thereby creating space for the gender disparities which continue to exist in many key facets of national life. Enhancing social and economic empowerment of women in Liberia still remains visible among the numerous post conflict recovery challenges in Liberia. Women constitute more than half of the national population and yet find themselves among the poorest segment of the population. Owing to existing customary laws, beliefs and practices in Liberia, a vast majority of women roles is being limited to household care and other domestic responsibilities. There is great disparity that favours the male when it comes to access to education or other opportunities for individual development and growth. As a consequence of this phenomena, abject poverty, illiteracy continue to ensue particularly among women. A situation which continue to erode their capacity to make decision as were protect themselves and increase their vulnerability to Gender Based and other forms of Violence.

Our women’s empowerment volunteer abroad programs aim to help women achieve a level of independence, opportunity to learn and live a dignified life equal to men in society. On the volunteer program intends to achieve this by providing computer skills training for 100 target participants for wage/self-employment and income generating activities that will result in sustainable returns for the participants. For this reason the project will deliver a short range training course (2 months) in computer applications integrated with basic management and lifeskills, job seeking skills and entrepreneurial skills to effectively equip the trainees with the requisite skills and disposition to enable them secure employment or engage in self-employment schemes.
Our women’s empowerment programs contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal that aims to reduce poverty and gender inequalities while increasing the quality of education and economic growth.